Star Wars Downloads
Here is some Star Wars multimedia for your downloading pleasure.
You will need QuickTime 3.0 or better to view most of these. To save these movies (instead of simply viewing them), right-click the link, and select "Save target as" or "Save link as."
Episode I Trailer B - (2 minutes 30
seconds) This is the official movie trailer. |
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640 x 288 (25 MB) - QuickTime 4.0 required
Episode I Teaser Trailer - (QuickTime 3 or better - 480 x 210)
This is the teaser trailer, released about 4 months before the official
trailer. It runs a little over 2 minutes. The QuickTime movie file is compressed
in zip format for Windows users and Stuffit (sit) format for Mac users.
Episode I Television Commercials - (480 x 216)
I've never seen any of these on TV, but I guess they were aired somewhere.
15 second spots
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2.11 MB)
Queen Amidala (2.25 MB)
Jar Jar (2.06 MB)30 second spots
Darth Maul - "One Truth" (4.23 MB) ***
Qui-Gon Jinn - "One Destiny" (4.34 MB) ***
Queen Amidala - "One Will" (4.53 MB)
Anakin Skywalker - "One Dream" (4.45 MB) ***60 second spot
Shmi Skywalker - "One Love" (8.81 MB) ***** = Recommended / My favorites
** = Dramatic with great music
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of the Fates" Music Video (28.3 MB) I know this is a big download, but I thought it was definitely worth it! Besides, the transfer rate is pretty fast (for me anyway). The screen size is 320 x 144 and it lasts 4 minutes and 15 seconds. |
"The Saga Begins" Music Video - (streamed)
is Weird Al's video from his new album "Running with Scissors." The
lyrics are about The Phantom Menace and is set to the tune of
"American Pie." This song is hilarious! I like it a lot (cuz I like
the old song too). It is 5 minutes and 39 seconds long. The video is streamed so
you need not worry about how long it'll take to download. Check out the site
while you're at it!
Watch the video with:
Real Player - QuickTime - Media Player
All files are under 100 KB unless otherwise noted.
"Anakin!" Download!
"He can see things before they happen." Download!
"The Force is unusually strong with him." Download!
"I can only protect you; I can't fight a war for you." Download!
"There is something else behind all this, your Highness. They will
kill you if you stay." Download!
Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi." Download!
Darth Maul
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have
revenge." Download!
"I sense much fear in you." (102 KB) Download!
"Always two there are: a master and an apprentice." Download!
To Anakin: "Fear is the path of the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger;
anger leads to hate; hate ... leads to suffering." (106
KB) Download!
New! "Noooooo!!!!" Download!
"We haven't much time." Download!
"I have a bad feeling about this." Download!
To Qui-Gon: "The boy is dangerous. They all sense it why can't
you?" Download!
To Boss Nass: "Once those droids take control of the surface, they
will take control of you." Download!
Queen Amidala
New! "I will not condone a
course of action that will lead us to war." (125 KB)
New! "Are you sure about this
... trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know?" *
New! "Are you sure about this?"
* (custom cut for Windows Critical Stop or other error) Download!
"Our people are dying, Senator. We must do something quickly." Download!
"I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you
discuss this invasion in a committee." (133 KB)
Anakin Skywalker
New! "Uh oh!" (very
funny!) Download!
To Shmi: "Will I ever see you again?" Download!
Mace Windu
"You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the
Force. You believe it's this ... boy?" (250 KB)
Sio Bibble
"You must contact me!" Download!
"The death toll is catastrophic." Download!
"A communications disruption can mean only one thing ...
invasion." Download!
Captain Panaka
"This is a battle I do not think that we can win." Download!
Jar Jar Binks "Yousa people gonna die?" Download! |
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New! "Weesa die in here." Qui-Gon: "Just relax we're not in trouble yet." Jar Jar: "What yet?! Monsters are there. Leakin in here. All sinkin and no power. Whena yousa thinkin weesa in trouble?!" (586 KB) Download! |
New! "They will never get me on
one of those dreadful starships." (154 KB) Download!
Darth Sidious
New! "Wipe them out ... all of
them." Download!
Movie music
"Duel of the Fates" Midi Download!
"The Flag Parade" Midi (the second half of track 7 of the
soundtrack) Download!
"Duel of the Fates" wav sampler - This is the first 21
seconds and the last 34 seconds of "Duel of the Fates" spliced
together. It's a quick "summary" of the song. (598 KB)
THX intro sound (great for Windows startup) Download!
* = Recorded by me from Duel of the Fates music video
All graphics,
images, sounds and videos on this site are © Copyright of their respective owners.
Star Wars, The Phantom Menace, and all of its characters are ©
Lucasfilm Ltd.