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Random Quote
New! Right-click and select "Save target As" here to download my anime music video, Vegeta's End. [02.15.2003] My first video is available for download at my new site, thiseye.com. [11.22.2002] Fixed the Random Quote thing ... for some reason, it was pretty sporadic. It should be working now. I went ahead and added a new quote from the movie Van Wilder. That's right. My video is finally done. Actually, it was about a month ago that it was released. I'm still looking to find a host. Hopefully my brother will be able to hook me up so that people can download it from here.
Now, about the video: It turned out great, just as planned. I couldn't have wanted anything more. I'll forego a full commentary until later (as usual), but I'd like to eventually set up an entire page about it. I am really proud of it, and I've received quite a bit of praise. I do have a little entry setup at AnimeMusicVideos.org with a little description of the video. After watching it, you can leave your opinion on the site also. After doing that, you can read others' comments (although the one I have so far is rather unpleasant). Anyway, expect links to that as soon as the site's back up. Update: Nothing big, as you might expect. I was just looking at this site for the first time in several months. I found that there's a lot of outdated and in some cases just stupid, unorganized information here. I'd like to completely redo the site, and even though realistically, it'd only take me a day to do so, I doubt I even bother anytime soon. Anyway, as for updates, I removed some and added some new quotes that I've been saving up to the Random Quote thing. In other news, I've been working on a Dragonball Z music video using Linkin Park's "In the End" which reflects a lot of my newer interests that aren't mentioned on this site. Linkin Park is my favorite band right now, "In the End" is one of my favorite songs by them, and Dragonball Z is my recent obsession in the TV world. The footage that I am using is from my favorite episode of the series. But, this project is not just a combination of my favorite things. It just so happens that this episode, and the story within fit perfectly with the song that I am using. In fact, that is the primary reason that I have undertaken this venture. I've seen many videos that are just a bunch of clips thrown together set to music. Rest assured that this will not be one of those videos. I am by no means an expert in this as this is my first (and most likely only) attempt at making a music video, but I am spending a considerable amount of time on this project. It's been about 5 weeks since I started, and I'd say that I'm about 30-40% done, though there have been long stretches where I didn't work on it at all. I expect to be finished towards the end of the semester (when finals roll around) or during the winter break. Well, that was a lot more than was necessary. The video will very likely be available for download from this site once it is complete. [11.11.2001] Hmm ... it's been a while. Yea, I know that the messageboard was taken town. It seems my board provider shut down business. In any case, this place seems empty w/o the board, so I might try replacing it later on. Frankly, I'm really busy right now with school and life in general. In the meantime, feel free to drop me a message if you wanna say "hi" or whatever. [04.05.2001] Finally put up the logo for the personal page. Not much else is new. I see that the hit counter is broken ... again. Fortunecity is really pi$$ing me off. Why they gotta be so gay?! Anyway, I think I'm gonna get a new counter, but knowing me, it'll be a few more months before I get around to it. Which reminds me: I've come to the conclusion that I can't do regular updates to the site. Nor do I feel it necessary to do so. Let's face it, this is just a personal homepage, tho I hate to say it, so it's kinda pointless to update every week or month or whatever. It's more of a hobby. [12.02.2000] [ . . . archives ] |
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