"The Puerto Rican Day" Episode (Listen to it in Realaudio)
"I'm out!" - Well, I saw the episode. Yup, that's right, I saw "The Puerto Rican Day" episode.
(For those of you who don't know, this was the second to last episode of "Seinfeld" and I unfortunately missed it. Even worse was that there was a controversial scene where Kramer stomps on a burning Puerto Rican flag, so they decided not to air that episode in reruns!)
An online friend from the Seinfeld msgboard, was kind enuf to send me a copy of it. He lives in Canada, so it took a while. But, eventually, it did arrive. I was so excited. I really thought that I would never see this episode. Unfortunately, it wasn't that clear, but I didn't let that bother me. I was still pumped to see a "new" episode. My dad explained to me that it was probably fuzzy bc they use a diff frequency in Canada.
Anyway, I gathered up some friends, and we watched it. It was so awesome, as I had expected. I mean it was just so neat to see a "new" episode. It was a great episode, and I didn't see the big deal w/ the controversial scene. The scene lasted a few seconds, and it wasn't like Kramer burned the flag intentionally. I concede that it was disrespectful, but c'mon! It was funny! Well, I'll probably write some more on this subject later. [04.01.99]
Seinfeld Theme - The good old theme song. (729 KB)
George's Answering Machine - The entire "song" on George's answering machine (the one that's to the tune of "Greatest American Hero", in case you were wondering). I've yet to find an "instrumental" version of this song on which you can record your own answering machine message. ;-) (345 KB)
Best of Seinfeld Clips - A compilation of some of the best Seinfeld sound clips set to music. I really like this. My favorite part is where Kramer keeps going "Yo-Yo Ma" in rhythm with the music.
I wish I could give credit to the composer of this song, but I can't. I found it on Napster once, but no one seems to have it on there anymore. So, I feel it's my duty to distribute this song to the world. ;-) (847 KB) Note: Since mp3's spread on Napster like binary fission, a lot more people have it now. In fact, it's pretty easy to find online now.
More to come soon . . .
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